Habeebee Homeschooling Challenge!

 Grace and Peace everyone out there!

Are you ready!!!??

Take the Habeebee Homeschooling Children's Crafts Challenge. In promoting family bonding and learning we decided to challenge all our readers out their to get involved with their children, students, and loved ones by being hands on!

Why take the challenge?  We, at Habeebee Homeschooling always remind parents that spending time with children and engaging them, has long lasting positive affects on them. A lot of times mothers and fathers need that extra pushed of motivation and inspiration when it comes to being creative. Taking the challenge will introduce parents to new ideas and give them that creative spark.

What are the rules?  The rules are easy! Join our facebook group and also click the follow button on our blog to follow along for each weeks crafty ideas inshaAllah. The crafts will start small and as more people join we will add to it, 2 arts and crafts activities for the week.  If you have a blog please add our button that says "I took the... Habeebee Homeschooling, Childrens Crafts Challenge" and comment here. After that its fair play ;)

We did our arts and crafts, what's next?  Now take pics of what you made and write directions on how to make it then send them to us at belovedhomeschooling@gmail.com and we will feature them here on our blog, facebook, and twitter inshaAllah! Our intent is to inspire and motivate parents and have children learn through this process.

The starting date will be april 25th inshaAllah starts on monday and submissions by sunday..it will be that way for each week inshaAllah

April 25th-- Water Themed Arts and Crafts

So are you up for it?


  1. Salamualaikum sis, this is such a good idea! I except the challenge and although he doesn't know it yet, my hubby does too:-)

  2. Salams I accept it too! <3


Your feedback is always appreciated :) talk to us!

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